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with what's been happening. Not only that, but photography is in my blood, so I'm going to post some more cycling trip photos, as well as some extra pictures that I have been taking over the last few years for you to view.

It's now been five months since returning home from my cycling trip and it's given me the time to reflect and plan ahead. Although I decided to cut the trip short, I now know I made the right decision and know I will be travelling agRenoir's home town of Essoyes in France (above) and Chataux Chillon on Lake Geneva
ain as soon as I can. In fact, I decided that I love the travelling so much that I intend to find a way to work for half the year and then travel for the remaining half year. So, I'm planning to carry on with my talks, (I have bookings already for 2013) and teaching photography. But the thought of working abroad and staying in one country also appeals to me and as a way to finance further travel out on the road, I have decided to do a TEFL (teaching English as foreign language) course which starts in February in Cambridge. Then there were four Green oil cans sitting on .... the Grand Union Canal nr Rugby
The more research I do on TEFL and alongside my previous experience and enjoyment of teaching, the more I really want to do it. And it gives me the choice between working here in England, or abroad. There's nothing like having a large number of strings to your bow!
Bottleneck: Empty wine bottles in France (where else!) Wooden carving statue at local market in Montreaux with Dents Du Midi range of mountains in the background
While I have been sorting all that out, I have also been very busy carrying out volunteer work for Sustrans, the sustainable transport and cycling network charity. That has been fabulous and it's giving me the chance to put all my skills, abilities and experience into it, through fundraising talks that I am planning, as well as organising Sunday bike rides and raising the Sustrans profile through leaflet distribution and media work. Just right for my kind of background. A lady in the library: Rugby Library or Olive from On the Buses! (only those over 25 yrs will know what I mean)
Other travellers will know that one of the many things that happens to you when you go on a trip like I did, (no matter how long or short) you come back a changed person and it makes you sort out the priorities in your life. So, without pontificating too much on this and I must stress this is personal to me, here are some of the things that I came back with and thatMy wonderful German friends in Bologne, Hedi and Franz
I want to change.
Firstly, I wanted to at least once in my life, do some volunteer work. Give some of my time to something other than me! Having done that, what's happened is that I enjoy it so much, that I intend to continue to carry on being associated with at least one charity all the time now. Not only that, I'm meeting some great people. Bike shadow in a local park
Secondly, I plan to live more within my means. I have found that since 'downsizing' a few years ago, and especially so since my trip, that I really don't need or want, lots of posessions. All we/I ended up doing was working to service those posessions. I don't even really want to own a car with all its expense. I still havn't got mine on the road and am enjoying travelling by bike or public transport now. However, as far as expense goes, I will make the exception when it comes to do with anything for my bike, cameras or travelling,... so that's one New Years resolution out the window! But what I really mean, is that although I still like some comforts and will still need a car for my equipment when I do my talks, I enjoy simplifying my life and spending my money on the things that I really want to do in life rather than on acquiring and financing more things that I don't need. The little fox cub whose uncertain outcome, broke my heart
One major part of travelling is the joy of meeting new people all the time. On my cycling trip to Greece, I met some wonderful people who I have stayed in touch with and to this day we are e mailing and staying in touch. I'm hoping to visit my friends, Hedi and Franz,who I met in Bologna and had a meal with in Florence, in Germany some time next year. (Hedi and Franz - if you are reading this, I got your e mail and auto replied but I am not sure if you received it - can you give me your postal address in case the e mail is not working? Bike park Oxford Indoor market
I have also started my book! Not the one about my travels, I want to get some more travelling under my wheels before I start that one. The one I have started is one that has been on my mind for some years. Its going to be about my life when I was a photojournalist in Fleet Street.
So I now have to find the discipline to sit down every day and type out the first draft. Not easy when you have had the freedom of the road for the last year.

So with one thing and another, life is very busy indeed, so many endless possibilities and opportunities out there and open to me that sometimes it is difficult to decide which direction to go in. But I have a pretty good idea of where I'm going... As I'v mentioned before, I've included some more photos, and to quote a phrase, they are, 'not in any particular order.'. for you all to browse. Hope you like them and hope you are able to continue to follow my blog (I am going to try to keep an update going every month or two) and more adventures to come.
Merry Christmas and Happy NewYear! The end!
All photographs and text in this blog are copyright of Deborah Anne Brady (c) All rights reserved.
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