Well some of you know, and some of you don't know, but the reason for the long delay is that I have taken my time making a big decision.
When I got to the end of Greece, I decided I would not continue my world trip due to my financial situation. I wasn't running out of funds but made up my mind that as much as I was enjoying the trip, I needed to keep my remaining funds for home. Also, as there were going to be three or four flights involved on my trip, the amount of baggage I was carrying was going to be very expensive.
I came back to UK about two months ago to regroup and sort out my bike luggage to make it easier to fly and not have to pay so much cost. However, it wasn't going to be and so I am staying in UK for the winter and heading out to Europe again in early Spring. But this time I am cycling through Spain to Morocco and back up the east coast of Spain to the Med. The art theme is following on from the first journey and I will finish the Asian tour over another winter, sometime in the future. So, that's my story - sorry to disappoint, but all is not lost - it will just take a little longer than at first planned. Until then, I am really excited about Spain and Morocco and all that art!
Although I was very disappointed about abandoning the trip, one bit of good news is that since leaving in May, I am now 2 and half stone lighter! I have actually gone down a dress and trouser size!
I am still cycling back here in UK and recently spent 2 days cycling the 150 mile Suffolk Coast route while we still have some sunny and warm weather left!
Meanwhile thank you all for following my adventures I loved every minute of it and will be continuing the journey soon albeit not the original route. I now have some fantastic memories and stories to tell (one day in a book) and I met wonderful people and made some great friends along the way, some of whom are still keeping in touch. The comararderie of the road and meeting other travellers and locals is something that I really miss. But I intend to continue to cycle tour in the very near future, so I hope you will all stick with me and follow my further adventures.
In between cycle touring I teach photography and give lectures and talks and I always tell my students that it's not the camera that matters so much, as what you do with it. I always maintain that you don't necessarily have to go to exotic places to make interesting and atmospheric photos. So to prove a point, I have included some very recent photos I took with only a compact camera, as well as some taken on my trip, that I havn't included before. I hope you agree!
And while back in the UK, I hope you will still join me in my regular blog updates and photos.
To be continued.........
(copyright: all rights reserved including all photographs to Deborah Brady paintsandpedals)